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Footmender d'occasion tout en un pour diabétique
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Footmender d'occasion tout en un pour
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All the reviews Footmender All in One Diabetic

Emelia Recommend it, it really helps your feet!
Madelene You get soft feet almost immediately, cracks and calluses just vanish it is amazing.
Carolina It’s the first time I’ve been totally in love with a foot cream. I have recommended it to everyone !!
Linda I have never before tested something that gives such a fantastic result
Abdulmasih Those who used to be dry feet with calluses and cracks are now much better. Softer feet and less trouble with dryness and cracks.
Lennart The only thing that speaks to is well the price otherwise very good product
Peter Smoother feet less trouble
Mikael Very good, works already after one day.
Hanna leaves a light feeling on the feet and they feel smooth
Susanne It was good but itched and it didn’t go into the skin that was promised, but it was sticky and messy all night. Smelled very badly too. But would definitely recommend it though it smelled bad and was sticky because it does its job
Titti The result was fantastic my feet both feel better and look better (even though it is winter). What has been negative is that the feet are so “fat” still in the morning so taking on socks in the morning becomes difficult.
dag After a week there was no big change. But only after 2 days of ointment and the foot in plastic bag, with a little help from a foot I could get rid of all cracks and dead skin. So just with the right treatment it is a fantastic product.
Haval I have type 2 diabetes and have had major problems with calluses and heel cracks for a long time. Now that a week has passed since I started using Footmender, I feel that my feet feel much lighter and softer and even though everything has not healed, I do not have as much pain as before. I can highly recommend it.
Dennis A good product that relieves the inconvenience!
Inga-lill Easy to apply, good scent and has made our feet softer. Most beneficial it has done on the son’s feet and he is diabetic.
Kristina At first it felt like a thin Klm on the foot but when it did work it feels really nice. Then it is positive that you do not need to lubricate every day. Actually think it is really good. Highly recommended. It is as good as it is said to be!
Martina Worked best among different products that I have tested.
Jessika The foot cream has not reduced my heel cracks but, on the other hand, made the skin easier to plan after treatment.
Åsa My feet have become much better since I started using the product. They are no longer dry and the cracks have disappeared almost completely. I will continue to use the product and can warmly recommend it to others.
Mikael This works, it’s just to lubricate
Carina a long time before it absorbs in the skin
Linn It works better for others, noticed a big difference in tea
Elisabeth It’s good! The skin on the feet has become much crunch, has not needed and Kla. However, a little well-smeared, takes time before entering the skin, can only be used before going to bed
Björn My feet feel softer and lighter and I do not have the same pain when I stand and walk.
Tony Think it works great. My feet feel much better after I use it.
Kristina All in all, a good cream that makes the feet softer and in better condition.
Jens The pains don’t bother me as much and the feet have become much softer. Recommend the product!
Linda A good product that does not feel messy
Sarah I am pleasantly surprised how well this worked on my feet, so for that reason I would definitely recommend it. BUT it is absolutely crazy at the price for animals, almost 400 SEK at Apoteket, so will not buy this yourself but is glad I got the chance to try it via Smartson.
Mladen The feet became soft and I felt that the feet were rested in the morning and I had contact again with the substrate … More feeling back in my feet … but not 100%
Veronica Has been better than other creams, but also the price of the product
Hans Efficient, easy to use
Thor Treated left foot with Footmender and right foot with Aloevera “Heat lotion” (a liniment I usually use). Footmender adds moisture, repairs cracks well and keeps feet smooth. However, does not improve circulation, as does Heat lotion. A combination should give the best result. Footmender is an excellent product that is definitely recommended
Cecilia If someone wants a sticky cream that does not go into the skin then maybe this is good but if you want one who goes into the skin, one should choose another I think!
Magdalena works well however does not remove all the problems, the feet have become softer already after the first use, smells terribly bad
Göran The product is great feet gets very soft and all calluses disappear. Could have just had a better scent.
Viktoriia It helped me a lot with my dry and chapped feet so I definitely recommend it to others who have trouble.
Siv Absorbes easily in to the skin. Feel great after just 1 week! My heel cracks are almost completely healed.
Mats Think this has been very good and your feet look and feel better
Krister I have had a nice feeling in my feet since I started with Footmender All in One Diabetic. They are softer and smoother while I have a tightening feeling around the foot (as if the skin shrunk / tightened). I will recommend it and have already talked to my diabetes doctor about it.
Dan Keeps your feet moist for a long time, which is good. However, a week is too short a time to remove the calluses. There you should also use a foot file.
Tomas It feels like an incredibly strong product. Easy to use and provides an inspiring effect of treatment. The top in every way!
Eva Incredibly good. Really recommended.
Jonas Would recommend though the smell was weird
Maja It works well!
Fredrik I have tried footmender all in one diabetic now for a few days and am convinced that it is the best foot care I have had. Definitely a product I recommend everyone with dry feet. I will continue to buy footmen all in one diabetic to nurture my feet.
Laurinda Recommend it when it is nice to work into your feet, no scratch and go in fast
Terese The product works directly and lasts a long time. Much longer than other products I’ve tried. However, if you have very big problems that I have, you get patience. I find that the problems do not disappear, but the product keeps the problems in check.
Henrik The product works in a short time and when your feet are well enough, a few treatments a week will suffice! Products I have previously tested have always been “started over from the beginning” with …
Evelyn Easy to apply, soft feet, smooth feet
Lena Good “cream” but VERY hard to massage it into the skin.
Christina Would recommend but the feet really became dry after the first treatment. it disappeared afterwards
Agnetha I recommend Footmender All inOne Diabetic because I thought my feet retained their agility, did not become dry and also counteracted calluses in a good way. Thumbs up from me and my feet
Claes Good product has already bought it again
Margit Was very satisfied with the result. Had several cracks on both heels. Now they are nice and smooth!
Tomas Works well on damaged skin. Works somewhat on calluses. Wounds, irritation and skin flakes are almost gone. Continuing with the treatment. Lost 2 nails which for me was very good. Apparently damaged. Looks good underneath.
Rebecca Easy to use and gives a comfortable feeling
Jenny An oily cream that makes the feet smooth and soft. Very effective. Highly recommend this product!
Christina For many years I have had great trouble with my feet. Noticeable difference right away. My feet are soft and comfortable. Will continue with it and talk good about it.
Pia The feet were much better off using Footmender All in one. The heel cracks disappeared in a week.
Agneta The cream is good it keeps the feet soft for a long time, my calluses have almost disappeared. I have also used it on my hands that dries and cracks as soon as the cold comes o they are almost 100% good now. I am very pleased with the cream
Hannah Absolutely okay foot cream but it smells way too bad to recommend it.
Jessica Have not seen such big changes but it is soft and comfortable.
Jeff I had dry feet and dead skin on my skin, and after using all my diabetic feet were soft and smoother. The hard dead skin around my heals went away and became nicely smooth.
Anna Despite the mess and the scent, clearly the best foot cream on the market for problem feet
Christina It worked really well and my feet are beautiful like never before
Sabina Should not be so expensive out in the trade. Plus it smells like fertilizer it is negative. Incidentally, I would warmly recommend this ointment.
Fredrik Easy to lubricate does not become as fat as other agents
Bertil Got soft feet. Work great
Carina I had to struggle to refrain from my foot file, the habit is strong. Was considerably softer in a week. I intend to use the rest and see how it is when the ashes are over. Then I probably buy another one.
Monica Got real baby feet
Stephanie Comfortable, softening, soothing for the feet
Emelie I notice a big difference, especially the heel cracks have become much smaller and are almost healed. Highly recommend the cream.
Siham It is the best I will buy it in the future
Johanna Definitely results above expectations!
Elisabeth Absorbed easily. Good texture. Effect after a few days of use.
Stig It seems to be good for my feet
Kenth I feel that the feet are much softer
Annica Highly recommended to all diabetics.
Camilla Very impressed with this product, had never thought it would be such a difference!
Linda Very good.
Christin Corn got much better, will continue the treatment. In addition, both feet became much softer a big plus,
evelina If you get rid of the messiness and the smell it is really good
Marie Good and affordable product
Sven-Anders I have previously used foot cream for diabetics, who have worked excellently. Footmender All in, I think works better and gives excellent improvement on these seven days. Easy to massage and quickly enter the skin. Have not noticed any irritation so far. Will recommend Footmender to other diabetics or people who have problems.
Muamera My feet are much softer !!!!!! It was a very good product
Susanne I’m happy except that it smells bad
Bo All dryness disappeared and the heel cracks became much better, a little discomfort in the feet remains but it may not help the cream
Julia Very good.
Stefan It worked really well. The feet got rid of their dryness and the skin cracks started to disappear.
Marie A simple and painless way to make your feet feel good!
Louise I recommend the product as the feet have become softer and not so dry. The heel cracks are almost gone. Superb foot ointment. Highly recommended.
Bengt-Erik Perhaps I had higher expectations after reading the description. Despite this, I have to say that I am cautiously satisfied with the result but believe that a continuation of a time is necessary. I would definitely recommend someone to try because I think my feet feel better than in a long time, but you may not throw away the old foot.
Mathias Works well for my feet anyway. Smelled a little but it was negligible.
Anders I think the product is good because I have got rid of calluses and my feet stay soft so I recommend the product. The only thing I can complain about is that the cream does not enter the skin properly so it feels like you have the cream left when you have socks on the day after you lubricated
Ingrid The ointment is something better than everyone else that I have tried and they are many
Mikael Were not entirely satisfied thought the roughening on the side of the big toes would disappear more than it did
SoKe Feet got softer
Roger Th eproduct don’t absorb
Maria Does not smell good at start. Would recommend lavender. Otherwise it is good
Lotta I would recommend footmender because it is a good product. Easy to Use, minimal messiness. Unlike other foot creams, the advertising is right!
Anna Got very nice feet. The most difference on toes and on on top of the feet. Even the heels have become softer. However, I had appreciated a better smell. It doesn’t smell so good! Thanks otherwise for a nice product!
Elisabeth Soft and comfortable for the feet, the calluses disappeared.
Tony Easy to use with fast results is recommended.
Ingrid The feet have become softer and more beautiful. The heels were “thorny” before I started treatment. Notice that they have become “rounder”. Feels comfortable. So I really want to recommend Footmender All in One Diabetic. It is a great thing for us diabetics !!!
Stefan Clearly both one and two snaps sharper than all the creams I have tried before
Gunvor Absolutely superb … my feet are soft and clean. Even my nails, which I have had some trouble with have become better. Hope this product will not be too expensive … I will recommend it to all my acquaintances! Delighted!
Lennart The feet are softer, the dryness is gone, the calluses are smaller, but still a little left.
Jan Footmender Diabetic makes your feet better after 1-week treatment.
Niclas As a “regular” foot cream, it is probably enough, but unfortunately no extra … It does not replace four products as promised (foot bath, foot file, foot sock and creams).
Anders An all in one cream that is smooth and easily penetrates the skin. The feet become soft and comfortable. Like walking on clouds!
Monica The calluses have disappeared and the skin feels soft and smooth.
Anki Noticed a big difference after a couple of days. The feet became soft and the cervical care of the heels decreased drastically. Will definitely continue to use this !!! Thank you for letting me try this and find something that actually works!
Emmeli It is better than the products I tested before, the only negative is that it is very sticky afterwards on the foot, does not dry properly.
Michael Good and beneficial cream, felt nice and good on the feet, made very good effect on my rough feet. The only downside was that the cream was quite sticky on the hands after application to the feet. Had been good if you didn’t need to wash your hands. This was because of the feet were sticky.
Annika A very good product where you notice difference even after the first treatment. Will continue to use it
Bente Helped my hard skin
Marita A very good foot ointment that softens the skin under the foot. But it does not replace other treatments.
Lise-Lott It is incredibly good. The feet become so soft.
Ma The cream takes care of your feet REALLY! softens, takes care of the skin that forms the discomfort you have with cracks, dryness, corns and similar. Holds the feet in condition and the trouble to disappear and not to return.
Merja Very comfortable foot cream that does a good “job”. However, have a desire for the application, which would make it easier for the user. A brush that sits on the package, as on a type of foundation. Gets the slightest “silly walk” when you have to walk with freshly lubricated feet to wash your hands. With such a finesse, the cream should be “top notch”
Sol-Britt It is a cream that reduces dry cracks and makes the feet soft.
Teresa Simple and it really works
Maja It’s really a product that works, has tried other foot creams but already notice a big difference
Bosse The feet become soft and comfortable. I have had major problems with dry feet, which has now ceased. I will continue to maintain treatment in the future and look forward to not having any pain in my feet
Hans-Inge I have never had such nice feet as now, and I have used it for my elbows as I had calluses, they are soft and nice now. Final judgment there is no foot ointment or anything that beats footmender.
Annika Softens better than other creams and in combination with foot file, it quickly results.
Birgit Fantastic fast results for softer feet.
Peter I have new feet
Brian Think it was a good cream without having to use foot file and use different creams. Will recommend this product to others with good conscience thank you
Chnar Just satisfied with the very good product
Cecilia It was the absolute best and most functional foot cream I have ever tried. You were not disappointed, it was in line with what you were promised.
Zanna Nice product that relieves discomfort quickly.
Linda Very good product. However, the smell was bothersome and understands that you cannot add perfume but there are natural oils .. 7 days was not enough for all the trouble
Jeanette Fresh and easy to work into the skin. Feels comfortable.
Gulnaz Should recommend the product to everyone I know, good results got very fast.
Carolina I really recommend it to other diabetics, especially if you, like me, have very dry feet.A very good and longlasting foot cream.The only drawback is the unpleasant smell of the cream.
Emely Very good. My feet feel much softer.
Kenth I recommend this product for my feet has become better plus my burning sensation in my feet have decreased
Patrik When I walk a lot in boots, this has helped me to get less moist feet and less calluses.
Gunn My feet have become much softer than with other creams. Cracks have partially disappeared I strongly recommend this product
Patrik It was the best product in this category I used, my feet repaired, soft and smooth. It works quickly and will definately buy the product. The only downside was the smell.
Gunilla Thinking that my heel cracks have disappeared just after this little time, will definitely continue to use Footmender
Dan the product is very good smells a bit there are better scents a parenthesis only works on feet but not for hands unfortunately
Angelica Clearly good product that takes some time to use and gives you advantages that would otherwise have taken gmuch longer to get sorted.
Lena The product was very good for my problems but unfortunately far too sticky after lubrication.
Anneli The cracks have disappeared to 95%. Asked my husband and mother to test at the same time and they are super happy with the result. Mom has already bought one for herself
Ann Has faster effect than other preparations in the market
Åsa A foot cream I will continue to use after this test period, it was long ago I had so soft feet as now! Best foot cream ever
Linda Think it was easy to use and very comfortable. It felt really comfortable when you were lubricated. The only downside was the smell
Anna Replaces all foot files, foot bathing and gives a nice healthy feeling in the foot. Never had such nice feet before! Highly recommend !!
Michael It works
Monica I really want to recommend Footmender to anyone with diabetes it went very fast and get results. I like when you get fast results most preferably when it comes to feet you are dependent on them every day :))
Hanna So simple to get such a good result! Can’t get easier to get nice feet! Pure magic!
Maria Super good ointment strongly recommends it. The feet were so incredibly smooth and soft
Norah Worked superb
Conrad Clearly noticeable difference! Will be using it more times!
Meeri Will continue to use the product and have recommended it to others with the same problem. Notice a clear improvement only after one week of treatment.
Malin Best product on the market! A foot cream that makes your feet feel great after days trapped in shoes!
Johan I like this cream. It has removed a lot of the dry but I need to keep it up the longer I think. The cream heals small wounds well. The disadvantage is that it takes a long time for the cream to enter the skin and the feet feel cold after lubrication.
Jane Very good cream and I noticed a difference very quickly. Became baby soft
Ulrika My feet turned from very dry to soft in a week and the calluses are almost completely gone!
Robin It became a difference in a very short time and it is positive thought of the hearth that has been disappearing gradually.
Lars Inge It is easy to massage into the foot and feels comfortable
Kis A good and easily used product, noticed improvement already after the first treatment. Highly recommend this product.
Monica Great cream after the first lubrication. But then..did not fit the skin on my feet
Krister Very smooth as you do not have to keep on foot file and stuff like that to get rid of hard skin but it is just to lubricate and the product will do the rest.
Bo Great product that I recommend
Ingela The feet became soft. My corns remain, but I continue to use the product until it is finished. My hands were also softened by the lubrication. Like other products, I became sticky immediately after lubrication, so I used thin socks. in the morning the feet were not sticky any more and soft.
Bengt-Erik Feels more “genuine” than other foot-creams I have tried. Medical good
Vlora BEST FOOT CREAM! Gave it to my mother who has diabetes. Already after the first day, she felt her feet much better. I tested myself! Had very nasty and bad feet after just a week they are super soft!
Linda Smooth product that works well
Anita Best help against calluses and cracks
Anita Quick improvement and little trouble. Easy to apply
Claes Seems to work on dry feet. The immediate feeling is that the feet become soft and smooth after lubrication. A gradual improvement happens every day. After a week the feet are better. My expectations were high on the product, but the results did not reach the expectations even though the feet improved. Will continue to use the product.
Jenny Already after 4 days of use I noticed a big difference. The health drips I have had started to heal. Have not received any new ones. It is a great surprise to me that my problems has improved so much since I started using this product.
Ismet I would recommend it for soft feet. The hard and rigid softens without having to do anything extra. But the hardness does not disappear completely!
Katrin The result was noticed after a few days, soft feet again.
Andrea Have had cool feet and better feel for 7 days now and will deliberately continue to use the product. Over time, hard skin may disappear but that effect I have not yet discovered. So, so far, the effect has been a much better than with all the others I have tried
Karin Can highly recommend this product, which quickly gives an incredible change on dry feet. After a week they are soft and smooth. Got new feet. Thanks
Göran So simple and good results
EmmaKarin Easy to treat your feet with just one cream
Christer Footmender has worked very well. The feet are now very soft and not dry as before. But after a few days I had to remove the most dry and hard with my Scholl’s foot file, but then it doesn’t seem to come back if you lubricate every day. – Footmender also worked well on a dry elbow
Petra Absolutely wonderful product that really made a difference. From dry cracked feet to relatively soft feet feels so incredibly comfortable
Tuulikki It was good otherwise but the smell was terrible on it. So you hope to improve it for example with eucalyptus or other pleasurable scent
Lena very good, feels incredibly nice, not at all messy go into the skin fast. comfortable Will be used. I will have no problems in the future.
Lisa Already from the first use, we noticed the difference, the feet became softer and the calluses began to disappear. Now after one week of use, the calluses are much smaller, and the feet feel softer and healthier overall. Very little cream that comes in big `ash. Highly recommend trying out for those who suffer from problems.
Ann-Kristin It takes longer than 7 days to get a good result. But I am grateful to have tried Footmender All in One Diabetic. I will continue until I am satisfied.
Ann-Kristin I thank you for trying Foot Mender All in one diabetic, I can see an improvement, so I will continue to use it
Frida A nice cream to lubricate your feet with. Goes relatively quickly into the skin and helps quickly against calluses. Somewhat unpleasant scent.
Maritha Think it’s a little too short to see the best results. Have done just like you recommended but is better not completely free from dry and chapped feet. Would like to try a little longer to see the long term.
Anette Superb foot cream that made the feet soft, clean and above all warm. Got back good circulation in my feet which for me, who always freezes about the feet, got much better.
Madeleine The feet were much better !! This cream I will continue to buy.
Kerstin Great product that I recommend
Katrin Good product a bit smudgy
Carina Incredibly healing for the feet, which really helps, incredibly good
Anna Simple cream that works well.
Renata My experience is that the cream works in depth. Still have cracks but they have settled and the heels feel soft.
Hasse It has effect on dry feet
Irene My calluses begin to soften. The feet are clean as a baby
Pernilla Good that it is aimed at diabetics.
Erik Helped very well on pretenses but no distinction of dryness and cracks after 7 days of it. When you do not lubricate your feet after 2 days, dryness and cracks are back. But a bit of calluses fell off so it was good
Pernilla It is a good product that helps the feet feel better.
Carina Very good product! Had major problems with cracks and hard skin. Lubricated for two weeks, every day. And now my feet are fine! Will definitely continue to lubricate a couple of times a week! So nice to avoid filing your feet !! Thanks for a product that will help me! Important when I have diabetes!
Ninah Wow what a product, I have baby feet
Jonny It was ok
Mats One of the best I tried
Yvonne The feet become soft and it becomes easier to foot file dry and hard parts.
Ingemar The product has an amazingly good effect. Already after 1 day, my feet felt better and softer and my little crack in my heel improved. After 1 week, it is completely gone as well as the hardening under the pads and even the heels are soft, fine and not so sore. I will definitely continue to use the product. The only downside – the soles of the feet become a bit sticky.
Lena The best foot cream I’ve ever tested! My feet felt soft and comfortable for the first time in several years.
Daniel Brilliant results.
Ann-Kristin Never had such a wonderful ointment. I had very dry feet before but with this ointment I might need to lubricate one day a week. My husband is also diabetic his feet are worse. Today he has great ones.
Ann-Kristin Now I have no dry winter feet anymore will always have footmender diabetic at home
Gunvor The foot care specialist felt that the dry cracks had improved. The smaller ones had disappeared. The feet feel very soft, but preferably I would have liked to lubricate every day all the time.
Margareta It is a good cream that replaces foot file, bath etc. But the smell makes me hesitate to use it. It must be possible to get it more neutral in the scent. It is the only negative with the product.
Eva It was the best I used, highly recommend!
Binh I recommend the product to anyone who has trouble with feet. After a week of use of the product, my feet have gone from dry skin to a silky skin and almost all my problems are gone.
Kimya It really makes your feet soft and easy to use. Think everyone with problems should try this product!
Gudrun Has been with my foot care specialist she thought my feet were much better
Janet Effective foot cream with long lasting effect! Easy to apply, no hassle with foot files etc.
Gun-Britt One question it says is perfume-free but I feel a smell what can it be?
Ronnie Yes, the product has its function and is easy to use and I would recommend it to others who has the same inconvenience
Mia Not as messy as the thick creams
Anna It was easy to lubricate in the feet. And I, who usually have cold feet, got warmer feet after I lubricated with Footmender. Now the feet are soft and soft. Now I dare to go to the pool without being ashamed of my feet. Thanks Footmender!
Petra Clearly worth its expensive price when I think Footmender keeps what it promises. Much more effective than traditional foot creams. Even the big minus is the scent (smell) really unpleasant.
Carina By far the best result compared to other foot creams I tried. My calluses and heel cracks are basically gone after a week’s use so I can’t be anything but super happy.
Iréne Very satisfied, knew from the very first day that it will benefit. Has also tried it on my fingertips since I have cracks and even there it seems to help. But one major drawback is that it smells terribly bad. Otherwise, I am very satisfied….
Mats A certain difference in the foot / feet! Feels soft and lean, not as messy as initially, now goes into the foot quickly and about 99% of the heel cracks are gone. I’m really happy with Footmender Diabetic, will continue with this cream, I really recommended it for diabetics and others with calluses. The grade will be 10 of 10 possible
Annie the cream is very good and it is not too greasy and it absorbs easily
Malin My feet have become like new. No trouble at all anymore
Jacob I recommend it because it is a good cream that gives results.
Kristina The feet will be soft but after the shower they are hard again. Perhaps better if you continue for a while.
Tony Quick difference, easy to apply, very easy to use comfortable feet
Sandra It is a good product that keeps what it promises
Reinert I think it makes the feet very soft and soft. Difficulties diminish or disappear completely. Overall a really good product.
Zlatan Not so messy, dry skin is gone, cracks little better. Clearly better than anything I have tried before.
Alija Really great with foot file will buy and always have at home
Lech Think the product is wonderful … my feet felt so nice and soft afterwards also felt a warm and comfortable after. It felt so nice for my feet when I took on Footmender … my feet were much softer and it warmed nicely afterwards
Shehriw I recommend it because it is easy to use before bedtime so you don’t have to keep foot filing your feet forever
Hanna Think it was a great product but you have to foot file first, otherwise it will not work
Gull-Britt I can really recommend Footmender. In addition to some residual calluses, my feet have become much softer and it has worked perfectly on cracks and corns. The only objection I have is that the ointment has an unpleasant smell for me, but fortunately it eventually disappears. Thank you for having the product tested.
Åss Heals quickly and efficiently. Can now walk normally on the heels again, without bumping around like a lame hen. A very good cream I recommended to many.
Caroline Recommend this product because it really helps. This is how soft feet I have only when I have been at professional foot care. But now I don’t have to. The cream takes care of your calluses and dry feet perfectly.
Theresa Recommended for easy treatment of dry feet, calluses, corns and more. With regular lubrication, your feet stay fresh and alert.
Ola I have not noticed any difference, but perhaps someone else would have use for the cream
Anki Is so happy and happy at last I have no pain in my feet anymore.
Andreas Footmender All in one Diabetic is a very smooth and easy to use product. Can recommend this as it very quickly enters the skin, and does not feel sticky.
Frida A product that relieves foot pain
Ingela The feet have become softer after using this product
Anna-Maria Get really soft feet that are moisturized, but don’t know if it replaces everything that the product claims. But it might give that effect after a long time of use. But after a week it’s good!
Carin I liked this foot cream, I have not tried any foot cream before that has given such good results in such a short time. But I think it would be good to combine the cream with foot file for even better results. What I experienced as negative was that the cream smelled very bad. If it smelled good it would be much nicer to use it.
Annika Made the feet soft quickly
Monika My feet got better
Nina It has now helped me through the “leather skin” found above the corpse. The problem is that it seems that there is more than one layer of leather skin, but footmender has started on it as well. The first time I notice an improvement and I think this can remove the corns
Sanja The feet became much softer after the first use.
Björn Is wonderful for your feet and you notice a big difference already after a few days. However, I think the scent of it could be improved.
Vivianne I have never before experienced a cream that helps so fast and where the result then actually stays. Highly recommend this product to anyone who has problems with their feet.
Nils My feet have become much better already after 7 days and hope that after further treatment I will be even better
Johan Sure, Footmender does benefit even if everything that is promised does not really hold
Ann-Marie Great product that gave results immediately. Will / have recommended to friends and acquaintances.
Linda There is a big difference to other foot creams, especially to my heel cracks
Joakim Did not see any change after one day but by day three it started to give effect. Have encountered major problems with cracks and dryness which have now been mitigated. However, there has not yet been any positive effect on my corns. Since nothing previously seemed to work well enough, this is a big step in the right direction.
Ilona The feet have become softer, the skin feels softer and lighter.
Morten Recommend this to be strong as I have had major problems with the health cracks to dry skin. What a difference it is after 1 week
Amir It is a good cream that makes the feet soft, and the hard skin on the feet feel much better.
Sven-Åke Having got such nice feet it says my podiatrist so I am very pleased with that product
Josefin I would absolutely recommend footmender to others with feet problems. I find that my corns and calluses / dryness have become much better after a week’s use of the cream. However, I think the smell could be better and that the cream could enter the skin faster. A very good product in general.
Mattias The skin becomes softer in the long run
Tobias Totally fantastic! My feet are now soft as babyskin. Also feels that the feet feel warmer than before. I’m never going to stop using Footmender. So nice!
Ewa-Maria Footmender works well it has made my feet more prosperous than before, can warmly recommend this
Christaleni The cream works great, keeps what it promises I recommend it to 100% the only negative is that it smells really bad. you almost feel the nausea of ​​the smell. Turns on the cream before I go to bed… And can not walk and wash hands because of slipping risk recommends something natural eg. Chamomile or Violet
Lotta The feet have been amazingly fine! But I think it smell really badly. Risk of slipping in the bathroom as there is a membrane left on the feet. I slipped in the shower.
Ulrika Very good working product, the feet are much softer. – The smell on the cream is not good
jari A very good product that does exactly what it promises. The only thing I have to complain about is the smell, it could be better.
Olivia Why I will continue with this and also tell others about this is because it has done my feet much softer and completely without cracks
Shirrin I recommend footmender because it makes the feet new, no dryness, cracks or itchy healing wounds. Don’t go into the skin so fast but who cares.
Inger The product really helps when you have cracks on your heels. I’m surprised that diabetic nurses and doctors do not recommend this cream to diabetic feet.
Angelica My problems are almost gone and my feet feel much fresher
Erik The product has a good packaging and works well.
Tina My hard skin has become much better and the feet are soft and fine and that after only 7 days
SoKa Very positive reactions. A cream (no other preparation) is enough once a day. The feet have become softer, the foot absorbs the cream quickly.
Karin Good foot cream that works on most troubles with feet. They are soft and comfortable.
Pär For once, the advertisements are true: Footmender combines your different treatments and makes it easier for us to deal with problems.
Magnus A product that made my feet much softer, and greatly improved my dry cracks.
Vivianne Repairs and softens but is a little too thin watery and smells. Can be recommended especially for those who freeze on their feet, it gets warm.
Per-Anders I recommend this product, because after only 7 days of use it has greatly improved my feet. It feels very good and I have not noticed any discomfort from using it. I will personally use it to maintain my foot care with the future.
Shila Soft feet less cracks
Anders The product is heavy and easy to apply. Good results right after the application but unfortunately no long-term result without the inconvenience recurring, which they also do with other products.
Kenneth Good ointment, the feet feel recovered. However, very messy
Tina I recommend the product during periods of major problems, but the discomfort of using the product should not be impaired
Laila Footmender does is not messy and does wonders after a few days. My husband thought the feet didn’t feel so “hard” anymore. We do not need to foot file our feet
Maud Just because it didn’t work on my feet, it doesn’t have to be so for others.
Birgitta do not really know if I can recommend it, on some people it might help, but I noticed almost no difference.
Christina The feet were clearly softer after the 1st time. The only minus is that it smells very bad.
Krister After 7 days, the deep cracks were almost gone, the feet became softer and calluses disappeared. I recommend Foot Mender to anyone who has problems with their feet. The scent is a big minus, it smells bad, especially if you have socks and shoes on during a working day. A splash of perfume would not be wrong. Still recommends Foot Mender.
Marina This was the best and easiest way to manage my feet. Much better than anything I tried. The only small minus was that it has a little weird smell that I had a little problem with
Annicka If you want to feel that your feet are doing well, you should use Footmender. They have helped with so much that I could cancel my appointment with the podiatrist. Thanks! Really recommended.
Shireen The best
Siv Creamy and not watery at all. Easy to use
Linda Thought the skin became smoother and less painful
Sven Have had a soft corn between the toes Footmender has done so that the trouble has become much better after a week of use I still have it but it has become smaller and does not hurt as much as before.
Henrik Has super nice feet now and it feels gentler than foot file and easier than oily creams.
Birgit The feet feel more beautiful and fresher after the treatment
Roger The cream was deep-lubricating and pleasant and that it worked
Agnetha It is really good for your feet and you don’t have to foot file your feet. Gets soft
Mona The product is much better than other creams I have tested before, the difference during this time is not huge, but it is beginning to be noticed more and more. I am pleasantly surprised and recommend the product to others.
Lottie Has clearly made my heels considerably softer
Nadja Good treatment that replaces different creams and ointments.
Tommi Provides moist feet for a long time with less dryness. However, it has not fixed the problem in the long run with heel cracks and flaking feet.
Jeanette Noticed the biggest difference after the first two days of use. Was very soft and comfortable. Fairly fast absorbing but an unpleasant smear in the hands after lubrication. Forced to wash off the cream on my hands, unfortunately I am used to taking advantage of it even on my hands. On the whole, I would recommend it.
Jonas Overall a good cream. The smell however not the freshest. The cream worked best in places where I was only dry. The corns are the same after 7 days. If you greased in the evening the feet were sometimes damp in the morning, that the cream did not completely enter. In any case, see the difference with reduced dryness.
Thomas I recommend my feet became softer
Peter Really good, not messy. Good product.
Peter Good and smooth not so messy and do really work
Christian Can only say that after 2 days I noticed a big difference in my heel cracks that were really bad (cm long and open wounds) and after 7 days it was almost gone. But now I have used the cream for 14 days and are just as happy and happy as it has not worked with any other creams.
Peter think that the feet are softer than with other products and not as much cracks in the heel
Pirkko The feet became soft. The only downside is that the cream was sticky.
Anette Footmender worked well on me, will continue to use it.
Mats Absolutely the best I’ve ever tried! Highly recommended !!
Anja Amazingly good cream that quickly softens hardened areas. Easy to use and gives excellent results from the first lubrication.
Anna Best cream! Fast results!
Mia Helps your feet total! Cracks decrease, hardness decreases, agility and healing increase!
Yesim Totally incomparable product. Without having had any serious problems at the time of arrival, my feet became completely crack-free and the baby eyes. I will continue for 3-4 days for optimal results. This product is magical! I’ve tried EVERYTHING before
Violeta Feels much better in the feet soft and the calluses can easily be removed. Feel very satisfied
Camilla Recommend this product. Expensive but effective
Therese Positive is that it worked & kept what it promised compared to many others. But would also mention I didn’t like the  sticky the feeling when you were lubricating.
Ing-Britt good for feet softening
Stig A nice and pleasant treatment is the result of Footmender. Dry feet a new life and small flaws disappear.
Sonia I absolutely recommended the product … the feet feel much softer and softened the corns. Used foot file once and didn’t have to use all other products and tools.
Lena Super good … My feet aremuch better and better circulation .. No cracks and calluses left .. Great product and absolutely worth the price since it is also good !!!
Alija Perfect
Ann Didn’t think it would work, but I was so wrong. Already after the first treatment there was a difference. Have now used it on my feet every night and are so happy with my feet that look much better now. I have been ashamed of my feet and have not dared to go barefoot, now I dare to. Will continue with Footmender. Thank you for trying out a miracle ointment
Maria My feet became much less dry and the calluses softened.
Mirja The feet have become really soft, the effect clearly lasts longer than other foot creams. There is a difference between the small heel cracks I have had, I think they are completely gone.
Anne-Marie Softeners move in quickly, not so many calluses much better than other products I have tried softer, healthier feet that do not crack so easily
Kerstin Foot file is still needed but not as often. Mycracks have healed very well and the feet look nice
Ramiz Super good
Tiina It seems very effective and certainly fits most people. I continue to use it cautiously.
Mariana Didn’t think it was possible to get nice fine feet without fooy files and creams! Now I know:)
Carolina Soft and easy to lubricate. Good smell and texture. My feet feel softer and less sore after seven days.
Christian I find that the product works well and softens the feet in depth. However, it will take time for the deepest dry parts.
Camilla It has been a super though the scent was not so good. Could smell a little better.
Sven The skin feels softer and stronger, the numbness of the toes has diminished significantly and the soreness under the foot is not gone but clearly softer after one week of treatment. The only drawback I can experience is that the skin’s moisture makes it easier to pull on the support socks in the morning.
Emma The product gives visible results after first use, but it does not fix my ugly and dry heels, but I continue to test the product as described. The only thing that I see as really negative is that it smells disgusting and that the hands get a rough feeling afterwards.
Therese Very good results after only 7 days. The downside is that it is messy
Anders I recommend it because it is not as sticky as other products. The cracks disappeared on the heels but not any hardness, which certainly depends on the short time. I will continue to use it to see how the long-term result will be.
Petra In fact, had higher expectations about the product. Although I have used it daily, I still have dry heels.
Cia Better than other foot creams
Annika My dry feet have become much softer
Elisabeth I think the foot cream was very good. Compared to other brands, it stays on the skin and softens it in depth. The only downside to the cream, I think the scent was not so pleasant, it feels sour.
Jennifer Very smooth cream, easy to use!
Dennis Very pleased with the product. The cracks disappeared after 4 days of use
Jörgen Not noticed any major difference, the only thing was that you felt a little wet about my feet But the amount of money that I would spend is not worth it
Natalie it was not so good hence the price
Ulf Not so good because of the scent and that it feels like it is a sticky film around the foot
heikp No greater effect, ridiculous to claim that it replaces a foot file.
Marta I do not think Footmender diabetes is significantly different in its properties compared to other foot care products that are recommended to patients with diabetes related skin problems on their feet. Some products experience better. The cream can cause irritation, burning, and it does not completely enter the skin. Feet feels moist all the time
Emma No major difference to other creams. Smells bad.
Berit It felt soft and comfortable, but I could notice that the cracks in the skin worsened and in the last two days I had to supplement with fat prescription foot ointment.
Peter Do not think that it has helped me significantly, therefore I will not recommend it to anyone because there are significantly cheaper alternatives that work better. Really disappointed actually, since I had great expectations.
Claudia Because it is possible to find much cheaper foot creams that are just as good.
Eva Think it smells bad!
Ulf So far, nothing has happened to my feet. I initially interpreted it as a “miracle cream” when I read about it. 7 days have not made any difference to my feet unfortunately. Will now continue for seven more days and hope it will result.
Tobias Don’t think it works as expected and the product smelled bad.
Lucas I suffer from a lot of cracked heels, I hoped that this would be a cream that helped with this. However, I have not noticed any improvement compared to other creams.
Marie It is too sticky, takes a long time before it dries in and it smells very badly
Ulla Footmender was neither bad nor good compared to other creams. Affordable? Absolutely not. It is better to go to the a podiatrist then you can maintain with any cheap cream.
Johan Don’t think it helped my dry feet. Lubricated every night, but still dry feet.
Jörgen Noticing no results. The cream is comfortable to lubricate. Not sticky Gives some moisturizing. But considering the price, it is not up to date. Not better than Canoderm or other ointments I get on prescription. SO it goes away
Ida I would not recommend the product for the reason that I did not experience any major difference compared to other products, and that it was a larger procedure to use it because it was very sticky long after being lubricated.
Carl-Johan I noticed a little difference after the first day but then nothing has happened. I still have problems with, among other things, hard heels. Although it is massaged the cream for a long time, it does not feel like it enters the skin and the feet are sticky for several hours after application.
Camilla It doesn’t smell good. Very difficult to get the cream absorb, I used socks after I lubricated myself to not slip around and leave footprints
Malak I haven’t noticed any improvement at all.
Ellinor Smells awful! Works poorly on calluses, you want to use foot file. Guess the price is pretty high too.
Mats For me, there has been no major difference. An extremely small improvement has taken place after just over 1 week of use. It costs over £29 and then I want you to get value for money. But should continue to use it and see if it gets better when the whole bottle is used.
Therese Nice to not use foot file and the feet feel much softer, but unfortunately the smell is not so nice it is a big minus, it smells urine and because of that I do not recommend the ointment to people
J Think the product promises more than it does unfortunately. In addition, it is expensive.
Patrik The result after 7 days of use is far from what I expected
Marita I do not think that there was any major improvement on my heel cracks. The scent was not good on the cream.
Ingela n my case after 7 days, my feet became drier. Just when you are lubricated in the evening, they are soft and moist.
Gunilla No difference to other foot creams
Matts Horrible smell, and it doesn’t work for me. Wife tried and liked it
Caroline Not better than equivalent products and it is very oily and smells unpleasant.
Mats messy for longer than my other product
Dennis Made the feet fairly soft, with almost no effect on calluses and corns.
Dennis Make your feet pretty soft. But has no or very little effect on calluses and the like. Smells scary
Jenny No difference
Tomas Make your feet pretty soft. But has no or very little effect on calluses and the like. Smells scary
Jenny Don’t think it’s super efficient. Expensive
Karin I notice no big difference. I thought the product could do wonders, but no. I will not buy it, I will return to my usual foot cream, as the difference is equivalent to it. Footmender is in my opinion not worth the money.
Anette I got no effect unfortunately. But have a good friend I give the ashes to. So it won’t be wasted. The consistency was good but left a sticky surface on the skin, entered the skin as promised. But the smell, terrible stench. Should be able to add something that is also allergy friendly
Göran No improvement after seven days of treatment. The small calluses I had before is still left. The smell is not pleasant! Definately not menthol that I think I’ve seen you say.
Nea  would not recommend this product as I have found other creams that are cheaper and do better
Carina Too expensive considering the result!
Encardia Greedy smell, the feet become sticky long afterwards and unfortunately the effect is much worse than I hoped for. The hopes were higher, the idea was very good, but it was not enough to use only Footmender against calluses and heel cracks, but still had to supplement with eg. foot file
Lars-E Experience no improvement
Thomas Can’t recommend
Christine Don’t think it keeps what it promised. See no noticeable improvements after 7 days
Anne-Marie Think the feet will be soft but they will feel sticky all night and `lie down in my wool bed. Hands get dirty o you have to walk on slippery feet o wash your hands. Then it smells insanely bad !!!! So I will not use it any more
Aino Probably no. I do not like the scent. If the product is expensive I would not recommend it. Has cheap foot creams that work just as well for me. Possibly my answers may be due to the fact that I received medical foot care a few weeks before the treatment.
Nicholas The product has just made my feet soft but that is the same for regular cheaper skin creams. I have not experienced any other effects.
Carina Have tried Fotmender but the oldest variety before and think it fits my feet better. Experience a big difference regarding dryness.
Susann Don’t think I noticed any difference. Therefore, cannot recommend the product
Lena Too expensive for the effect it has. I have had just as good effect if not better with other treatment.
Irene The cream sits very much if you have wounds. Transient, but not acceptable

Smartson user survey of 430 diabetics, November 2017, Sweden